Very charming delicate painting by Enrique Gómez Sacanelles (1936-2014) – ‘Estudio del artista’.
Gómez Sacanelles was born in Valencia on October 2, 1936. He developed his calling as a painter when he was very young. In 1949, when he was 13 years old, he received advice and guidance from the master Miguel Verchili.
In 1950 he started visiting the group of painters El Ninot, the bar El Ninot in Valencia was a meeting place for artists.
In 1951 he won the National Watercolor Prize.
During his artistic career he used oil paint and watercolor together, with special attention to watercolor. At the age of 22, he held his first individual exhibition at the Sala Prat in Valencia, followed by many others, more than fifty, in prestigious art galleries throughout Spain. In Mexico he exhibited twice. He participated in numerous national watercolor salons and in 1984 he obtained the Bilbao Salon Medal.
He was one of the best and most important watercolourists in the Valencian Community at the end of the last century. His studies of interiors and urban landscapes demonstrate great mastery.
His work can be found in numerous museums, Spanish and foreign private collections.
Enrique Gómez Sacanelles died on June 5, 2014 at the age of 78.
The work is offered framed.